Friday 18 December 2009

Let it Snow!

Woke up this morning to a white out and the girls were straight out in to the garden at 7am building a snowman! After school, I took my youngest out on the sledge to the local park. It was really pretty and somehow peaceful.

Later on whilst looking at the news I came across this photo of Brighton beach (AFP Getty Images). It reminds me of Nessie! I spent most of my twenties living in Brighton and can't wait to visit it again in 2010 as I'll be doing a vintage fair there in July - Fabulously Vintage Fashion Fair. Let's hope the weather will be a little more 'swimsuit friendly' then!


  1. Beautiful pictures. We have snow here, too. I love it!
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Bad luck to your girls for having to go to school! Ours were all closed :)
